Location: Windsor, Vermont

Touting the kind of unbridled confidence that exists only in the male 20-something, the Jobz are bred from the unshakable bond of life-long friendship and small-town restlessness and anxiety. But the themes in their music extend beyond their hometown of Windsor, Vermont -- themes of betrayal, frustration, uncertainty, and the place past all emotion and thought, where the desire to throw your hands up in the air and say, "Fuck it" reigns. Caution isn't just thrown to the wind, it's deliberately placed on the first train out of town.

The journey of their self-titled release carries us through the barking aggression of "Dubanevich" and "Tranquilidad," through the swaggering pop of "Human" and "Flirt," to the sentimentality and vulnerability of "Why Start Now" and "Thickerin." Even the shakiest sentiments are delivered with blunt force and precision, words like an arrow hitting the very center of the Bull's Eye. "I've been sleeping long enough to be a martyr." "If love's the answer, then what's a little riddle on the side?" "Send me a message now, I need it." Whatever it is you need to hear, the Jobz have found your new motto.

None of us get out of here alive, but the Jobz are here to remind us to suck the pleasure out of every sweet breath.

-Taylor Long,,

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